Bolton Food y WWF, unidos por el futuro de los océanos
Since December 2016, we have been working in partnership with WWF Italy and WWF International to improve fishing sustainability, with the final goal of protecting the health of the Oceans and supporting the communities depending on them. A collaboration renovating itself for the period 2021-2024 with even more challenging and ambitious objectives.
Our objectives
- By 2024, 100% of our tuna will be sourced from MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) certified fisheries or from credible and comprehensive FIPs.
- Our sourcing will consider the WWF sustainability criteria established in the new Tuna Strategy, so that our tuna is concretely sustainable.
- We will shift the sourcing of all other species to MSC-certified fisheries and/or comprehensive and credible FIPs or from ASC-certified farms and/or AIPs;
WWF wants to work with the entire tuna-related sector to maintain the tuna stocks level at a level to allow their sustainable reproduction (SSB40).
WWF also asks companies themselves to commit to pushing and supporting the adoption of these principles by RFMOs and member states, and to include in their procurement policies the goal of reducing accidental mortality of endangered species to zero. and protected; the protection of human and workers' rights; the principles of traceability and transparency.
we confirm our we confirm our commitment to increase the transparency and traceability of our supply chain and to guarantee the complete traceability of our products.
we confirm the commitment to strengthen the protection of human rights throughout the supply chain, through the path undertaken alongside OXFAM in 2020.
The objectives of this partnership are both ambitious and challenging. The journey to tuna sustainability is long and complex given that, to-date, the percentage of MSC certified tuna on a global level accounts for approximately 28% and that of all the existing tropical tuna stocks, only 4 are above the SSB40 objective.
we will strengthen our advocacy efforts to take stricter measures to regulate tuna fisheries in areas where this resource is particularly under pressure.
We will work together with WWF to raise awareness among all players in the industry, from suppliers to consumers, about issues related to sustainable fishing.
Results to-date:
Credible and comprehensive FIP Oceano Pacifico Centrale e Occidentale OPAGAC2
Fishery Improvement Project in all the oceans
Beginning date: October 2016
Actors involved and supporting institutions:
- Organizacion de Productores de Atun Congelado (OPAGAC)/Asociacion de Grandes Atuneros Congeladores (AGAC): made of 9 companies active in the fishing sector and owners of vessels (Grupo Albacora, Grupo Calvo, Grupo Garavilla, Grupo Ugavi, Grupo Nicra 7, Grupo Inpesca, Jealsa, Tunamol, Compania Europea de Tunidos)
- Asociacion Nacional de Armadores de Buques Atuneros Congeladores (ANABAC): made by 4 companies operating in the fishing sector (Atunsa, Inpesca, Pevasa, Echebastar Fleet)
Number of vessels involved: 48 Purse Seiner vessels
Tuna species:
- Yellowfin
- Bigeye tuna
- Skipjack
Goal: Obtaining the MSC certification for all the OPAGAC fisheries by 2021.
All the vessels involved are “Atun de Pesca Responsible” (Responsible Tuna Fishing) issued by AENOR (Asociacion Espanola de Normalizacion y Certification), the Spanish association for standards and certifications. This certification, the only in the world to include also the standards related to human rights as ILO 188, has been renewed by our Spanish fleet at the beginning of 2018.
Credible and comprehensive FIP Oceano Pacifico Centrale e Occidentale OPAGAC2
Credible and comprehensive FIP Oceano Pacifico Orientale TUNACONS1
Fishery Improvement Project in the Eastern Pacific ocean
Beginning date: September 2016
Actors involved and supporting institutions:
- Tuna Conservation Group (TUNACONS): born from the cooperation of the tuna companies operating in the area (Negocios Industriales Real NIRSA, Eurofish, Grupo Jadran, Servigroup and Tri Marine)
- WWF Ecuador
- Ecuador Ministry of Acquaculture and fishing
- National Fishery Institute (INP)
- Foundation Fishery School of the EPO (EPESPO)
- Experts of fishing activities and fishing areas management
Number of vessels involved: 45 Purse Seiner vessels (around 18% of the fleet operating in the region)
Tuna species:
- Yellowfin
- Bigeye tuna
- Skipjack
Goal: Obtaining the MSC certification by 2020.
Credible and comprehensive FIP Oceano Pacifico Orientale TUNACONS1
Credible and comprehensive FIP Oceano Pacifico Orientale OPAGAC2
Fishery Improvement Project in all the oceans
Beginning date: October 2016
Actors involved and supporting institutions:
- Organizacion de Productores de Atun Congelado (OPAGAC)/Asociacion de Grandes Atuneros Congeladores (AGAC): made of 9 companies active in the fishing sector and owners of vessels (Grupo Albacora, Grupo Calvo, Grupo Garavilla, Grupo Ugavi, Grupo Nicra 7, Grupo Inpesca, Jealsa, Tunamol, Compania Europea de Tunidos)
- Asociacion Nacional de Armadores de Buques Atuneros Congeladores (ANABAC): made by 4 companies operating in the fishing sector (Atunsa, Inpesca, Pevasa, Echebastar Fleet)
Number of vessels involved: 48 Purse Seiner vessels
Tuna species:
- Yellowfin
- Bigeye tuna
- Skipjack
Goal: Obtaining the MSC certification for all the OPAGAC fisheries by 2021.
All the vessels involved are “Atun de Pesca Responsible” (Responsible Tuna Fishing) issued by AENOR (Asociacion Espanola de Normalizacion y Certification), the Spanish association for standards and certifications. This certification, the only in the world to include also the standards related to human rights as ILO 188, has been renewed by our Spanish fleet at the beginning of 2018.
Credible and comprehensive FIP Oceano Pacifico Orientale OPAGAC2
Credible and comprehensive FIP Oceano Atlantico OPAGAC2
Fishery Improvement Project in all the oceans
Beginning date: October 2016
Actors involved and supporting institutions:
- Organizacion de Productores de Atun Congelado (OPAGAC)/Asociacion de Grandes Atuneros Congeladores (AGAC): made of 9 companies active in the fishing sector and owners of vessels (Grupo Albacora, Grupo Calvo, Grupo Garavilla, Grupo Ugavi, Grupo Nicra 7, Grupo Inpesca, Jealsa, Tunamol, Compania Europea de Tunidos)
- Asociacion Nacional de Armadores de Buques Atuneros Congeladores (ANABAC): made by 4 companies operating in the fishing sector (Atunsa, Inpesca, Pevasa, Echebastar Fleet)
Number of vessels involved: 48 Purse Seiner vessels
Tuna species:
- Yellowfin
- Bigeye tuna
- Skipjack
Goal: Obtaining the MSC certification for all the OPAGAC fisheries by 2021.
All the vessels involved are “Atun de Pesca Responsible” (Responsible Tuna Fishing) issued by AENOR (Asociacion Espanola de Normalizacion y Certification), the Spanish association for standards and certifications. This certification, the only in the world to include also the standards related to human rights as ILO 188, has been renewed by our Spanish fleet at the beginning of 2018.
Credible and comprehensive FIP Oceano Atlantico OPAGAC2
Credible and comprehensive FIP Oceano Indiano SIOTI3
MSC certified fishery of the Solomon Islands
Beginning date: April 2015
Actors involved and supporting institutions:
- Tri Marine
- Solomon Islands government
- Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA)
- Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)
Number of vessels involved: 8 Purse Seiner vessels, pole&line and handline
Tuna species:
- Yellowfin
- Skipjack
Certification date: July 2016
Credible and comprehensive FIP Oceano Indiano SIOTI3
Credible and comprehensive FIP Oceano Indiano OPAGAC2
Fishery Improvement Project in all the oceans
Beginning date: October 2016
Actors involved and supporting institutions:
- Organizacion de Productores de Atun Congelado (OPAGAC)/Asociacion de Grandes Atuneros Congeladores (AGAC): made of 9 companies active in the fishing sector and owners of vessels (Grupo Albacora, Grupo Calvo, Grupo Garavilla, Grupo Ugavi, Grupo Nicra 7, Grupo Inpesca, Jealsa, Tunamol, Compania Europea de Tunidos)
- Asociación Nacional de Armadores de Buques Atuneros Congeladores (ANABAC): made by 4 companies operating in the fishing sector (Atunsa, Inpesca, Pevasa, Echebastar Fleet)
Number of vessels involved: 48 Purse Seiner vessels
Tuna species:
- Yellowfin
- Bigeye tuna
- Skipjack
Goal: Obtaining the MSC certification for all the OPAGAC fisheries by 2021.
All the vessels involved are “Atun de Pesca Responsible” (Responsible Tuna Fishing) issued by AENOR (Asociacion Espanola de Normalizacion y Certification), the Spanish association for standards and certifications. This certification, the only in the world to include also the standards related to human rights as ILO 188, has been renewed by our Spanish fleet at the beginning of 2018.
Credible and comprehensive FIP Oceano Indiano OPAGAC2
Fishery Certificata MSC SOLOMON ISLANDS4
MSC certified fishery of the Solomon Islands
Beginning date: April 2015
Attori partecipanti e istituzioni a supporto:
- Tri Marine
- Solomon Islands government
- Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA)
- Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)
Number of vessels involved: 8 Purse Seiner vessels, pole&line and handline
Tuna species:
- Yellofin
- Bigeye tuna
Certification date: July 2016
Fishery Certificata MSC SOLOMON ISLANDS4
& hand line
Fishery Certificata MSC HANDLINE POLE&LINE
Fishery Certificata MSC HANDLINE POLE&LINE
1, 4 Through our strategic partner Tri Marine
2 Through our company Grupo Conservas Garavilla
3 Through our supplier Princes Ltd